Is your Android device is short on
space? Then you can simply download and install APK files directly from
Google Play to your computer or phone and install it on your device
later. You can store an APK collection on your hard drive or storage,
then install it when you want.
To download apk, first goto google play store from Here

From here find and go to your desired app page (Example – Facebook) and from the link bar copy the link as shown below.

Now go to THIS LINK and paste your copied link in the box as below.

Now press Click Here to download box as shown.

and now your download will start 🙂

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ကၽြန္ေတာ္၏ဆိုဒ္သို႔အလည္လာၾကေသာ သူငယ္ခ်င္းမ်ားေဒါင္းမရလို႔အဆင္မေျပတာတို႔ရိွ႕ပါကေအာက္က
Gmail&Cbox&Comment တြင္ေျပာသြားေပးပါ၊၊ေက်းဇူးတင္ပါသည္၊၊
(မင္းသားေလး နည္းပညာ)