Android Root Tool ေတြရဲ႕ ဆရာႀကီး VRoot ကေတာ့ သူ႔နာမည္ VRoot အစား iRoot ဆိုၿပီး နာမည္သစ္နဲ႔ ထြက္လာပါတယ္.. အရင္ကလည္း iRoot ဆိုၿပီး Root Tool ထြက္ခဲ့ဖူးပါတယ္.. ဒါေပမယ့္ ဒီ iRoot ကေတာ့ Vroot ရဲ႕ နာမည္ေျပာင္း Root Tool တစ္ခုျဖစ္ပါတယ္.. လုပ္ေဆာင္ခ်က္ေတြဘယ္လိုေျပာင္းသြားလဲ မသိေပမယ့္ icon ေတြ၊ Template Design ေတြကေတာ့ ဘာမွ ေျပာင္းလဲမသြားပါဘူး.. ခုတင္ေပးလိုက္တာကေတာ့ English Version ျဖစ္ၿပီး Windows PC နဲ႔သံုးဖို႔ ျဖစ္ပါတယ္ခင္ဗ်ာ..
iRoot, Formerly Vroot, is a free one click Android root tool designed by XINYI Network. Just click one button, you can root your Android device immediately!
iRoot is an easy-to-use tool. Enable the USB debugging mode, and connect your phone to the computer, then click the button "root" and now what you have to do is just waiting for the root result. Forget the complex and troublesome tutorials, everyone can control it easily.
iRoot's goal is providing the excellent and simplest experience for all android users. The newest version of iRoot has supported more than 8000 Android devices. It is more effective, easier and faster than you can imagine.
In order to serve non-Chinese user, we are pleasure to release this English version for downloading . If you are a non-Chinese user, just download the English version of iRoot and enjoy the Android root now.
And, on Oct 20, 2014, we also released our Android root App- iRoot APK. You can root your Android phone without computer. Get it here: iRoot for mobile
If you have any problem, please submit your feedback to this email-address:
Good luck to you! Just do it and enjoy the android world!
ကြ်န္ေတာ္၏ဆိုဒ္သို႔အလည္လာၾကေသာ သူငယ္ခ်င္းမ်ားေဒါင္းမရလို႔အဆင္မေျပတာတို႔ရိွ႕ပါကေအာက္က
iRoot, Formerly Vroot, is a free one click Android root tool designed by XINYI Network. Just click one button, you can root your Android device immediately!
iRoot is an easy-to-use tool. Enable the USB debugging mode, and connect your phone to the computer, then click the button "root" and now what you have to do is just waiting for the root result. Forget the complex and troublesome tutorials, everyone can control it easily.
iRoot's goal is providing the excellent and simplest experience for all android users. The newest version of iRoot has supported more than 8000 Android devices. It is more effective, easier and faster than you can imagine.
In order to serve non-Chinese user, we are pleasure to release this English version for downloading . If you are a non-Chinese user, just download the English version of iRoot and enjoy the Android root now.
And, on Oct 20, 2014, we also released our Android root App- iRoot APK. You can root your Android phone without computer. Get it here: iRoot for mobile
If you have any problem, please submit your feedback to this email-address:
Good luck to you! Just do it and enjoy the android world!
အဆင္ေျပရင္ေအာက္ကေၾကာ္ျငာတစ္ခ်က္ေလာက္ Click ေပးၿပီးကူညီခဲ့ပါ၊၊
- Download လုပ္နည္းမသိလွ်င္ေအာက္မွာဖတ္ပါ၊၊
- ေအာက္ကေဒါင္းေလာ့ေဘာတြန္ကိုႏုိပ့္ပါ၊၊
- ၅ စကၠန္႔ေလာက္ေစာင့္ပါ ၿပီးလွ်င္ညာဘက္ေဒါင့္မွာ အဝါေရာင္ေလးနဲ SKIP AD ဆိုတာကိုႏုိပ့္ပါ၊၊
- ၿပီးလွ်င္မိမိေဒါင္းေလာ့ယူမဲ့ဖိုင္ေနရာေရာက္သြားပါၿပီး ရဲရဲ သာ ေဒါင္းေလာ့ဆြဲလိုက္ပါ၊၊ ႔
Gmail&Cbox&Comment တြင္ေျပာသြားေပးပါ၊၊ေက်းဇူးတင္ပါသည္၊၊ (Gtalk)
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